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Aviators, Dirigible Drivers & Motorcycle Riders: Steampunk Style 9

In this short blog we take a look at the classic Steampunk stylings associated with the earliest aviators, and motor-vators. My word, but I like it!

A drawing showing Steampunk aviator outfits
Steampunk Aviators

Early aviation took on a number of forms. Hot air balloons, airships, and dirigibles of all kinds, as well as monoplanes, bi-, tri-, even quadro-planes, and Heath-Robinson-esque rotary wing helicopter machines all filled the skies as the intrepid sought to experience flight in all its wonderment.

Whatever contraptions were used to escape "the surly bonds of earth", they all had one thing in common. It was cold - very cold, wet, and exposed. Therefore, protection from weather and the elements was essential.

A drawing of a Steampunk motorcycle rider's outfit
Steampunk Despatch Rider

Leather coats and jackets were the outer wear of choice, with layers of silk underwear, woollen sweaters, with serge tunics and trousers, or riding breeches, adding to a military look, even for civilians; though in truth most early flyers were military or ex-military in any case.

A drawing showing  pilot or motorcycle rider clothing
Steampunk Pilot or Despatch Rider Kit

Here we see a typical flyers outfit of leather jacket, goggles, sunglasses and a leather map case. The same type of clothing was , and is, particularly suited to motorcycle riding. Flying helmets were at first any kind of headwear, worn for warmth as much as protection. Later, protective helmets made of cork and covered in leather were adopted. Eventually, the Biggles style leather flying helmet became standard for aviators, and the cork crash helmets were the norm for motorcycle riders.

A drawing showing flying and riding clothes and equipment
Steampunk Aviator & Motor-vator

Just add a white silk scarf, or better yet, a silk scarf with a bold print and you will complete this dashing style with panache.

Chocks Away!

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