Military inspired Steampunk is one of the most popular style choices within the Steampunk Community. Bold, brightly coloured, and elaborately adorned tailored uniforms reminiscent of the Victorian Era make striking attire for any Steampunk.

Inspiration can be taken from original authentic uniforms or entirely from your own imagination. Dress Uniforms of the period were highly elaborate, incredibly decorative and most splendid indeed, so whatever you imagine is unlikely to be too far off the mark.

One way to ring the changes, and make creating this look more manageable is to think about what a soldier might wear as day-to-day working attire. In the military this is commonly known as Service Dress, or Barracks Dress.

For something more adventurous or rugged, and more wallet friendly, consider a field or campaign variant of the military ensemble. Expensive and difficult to source Ceremonial or Parade Dress Tunics can be replaced with trenchcoats or military style overcoats. Genuine military surplus greatcoats can be bought often comparitivey inexpensively, especially if you trawl the second hand markets and charity shops.

Boots, hats, goggles and leather belts, pouches and bags give the look interest and authenticity as well as practicality. The Steampunk stamp can be added with interesting and unexpected headwear, as shown here with featured top hats .
For the nautically minded, there is of course the Senior Service, the Imperial Navy. Doesn't everybody love a handsome sailor?

Blue frock coats or reefer jackets with gold braid and shiny buttons, are the signature pieces of a dashing Naval Officer. Peaked caps with nautical inspired insignia, such as ships wheels or anchors, complement the look.

The Imperial Navy consider themselves to be a cut above all the other Armed Forces. They are known as the Senior Service because the Navy has been in the Monarch's service since time immemorial. Great Britain is an island nation, as such it has always had a powerful Navy to protect its sovereignty and seaborne commerce.
Even in these times of technological advances, with airships and dirigibles crossing the skies, and beyond to the moon and stars, the surface fleet has the big ships and big guns. And bigger is better, right?